Sculptra’s gradual long-lasting results give you a natural, softer look without giving you away.
Sculptra is a collagen stimulator that helps to repair the underlying structure of the skin. This adds fullness to the face and diminishes the appearance of any wrinkles and fine lines

About Sculptra
Sculptra works through an ingredient called poly-L-lactic acid, which is injected into the dermal layer. Rather than adding volume through the injectable alone as hyaluronic-acid fillers work, Sculptra’s active ingredient stimulates the body’s natural collagen production. This increases firmness, elasticity, and volume and is a longer-lasting solution. Sculptra body and butt lift injections are typically used to help enhance your curved shape while still appearing natural and in line with your natural body type and shape. It can be placed anywhere on the butt that needs volume and can also be used to improve the appearance of cellulite.

Who Can Benefit From Sculptra?
If you are experiencing loss of volume in the face or hollowness, then this treatment may benefit you. Most people see the loss of volume due to aging or weight loss. If this sounds like you, then you are most likely a candidate for Sculptra. By meeting with our expert injectors, they can tell you how Sculptra may benefit you.

What to Expect From Sculptra
Since Sculptra stimulates collagen in the skin, the results are not immediate. It may take a couple of months to see the full results from Sculptra. Your results will continually improve as collagen is built in the skin and adds more volume. Luckily, the results are long-lasting, so the wait is worth it. There is no official downtime with Sculptra. You are free to go about your normal day post-treatment. It is normal to experience some swelling, bruising, and redness for a few days.