Want the kind of hair-free skin that’s effortless to maintain? Are you looking for sleek skin that you won’t mind showing off in shorts or a bathing suit? Then it’s time to break up with your razor, dump waxing, and kiss electrolysis goodbye – because laser hair removal is now available at Vivid Med Spa of Arizona!

The laser hair removal devices we have, which is the Lumenis Light Sheer and the Luminous Splendor X.
The duration of your procedure will depend on your treatment area; the upper lip can take as little as ten minutes to perform, while the back could take up to an hour. A single handpiece is used to deliver the laser energy to the treatment area; you’ll feel a gentle heating sensation as the hair follicles are heated.
After the procedure, you should wear a high SPF sunscreen, as your skin will be flushed in appearance and extremely sensitive to sunlight. Your hair follicles will fall out in the first week after the procedure. The growth will be slow, but you’ll need several hair removal treatments before seeing ideal results. You can visit our Chandler laser hair removal center, so you can choose a location that suits you best!

Most clients need about 5 to 8 treatments scheduled four weeks apart. A lot depends on the area that you want to treat. Your laser hair removal cost and the number of sessions may depend upon the area of treatment. You and your aesthetician will determine your ideal treatment schedule during your consultation.
Is Laser Hair Removal Right For Me?
You’re a good candidate for the laser hair removal treatment if you wish to remove excessive hair from any of the following areas:
- Stomach
- Legs
- Back and shoulders
- Bikini line
- Upper lip
Your skin tone and hair type may influence whether you’re a good candidate for this procedure. To learn if laser hair removal is right for you, schedule a consultation with Vivid Skin & Laser Center today!
Waxing, tweezing, and shaving are tedious and painful processes that are unpleasant but must be done. However, our Phoenix, AZ laser hair removal services can make those undesirable processes a thing of the past. One of the most common cosmetic procedures in the U.S., laser hair removal, destroys the individual hair follicles by using concentrated light beams to eradicate them permanently. The total laser hair removal cost may depend on the person as the treatment area may differ in each case.
Laser Hair Removal Speed, Precision, And Pain.
Speed: The pulse emitted by the laser takes a fraction of a second to impact the skin. Therefore, with this speed, you can treat several hairy areas. Our experts can treat large and small areas.
Our laser hair removal can eliminate hair from small areas like the upper lip in less than a minute. Larger areas like the back, arms, and legs may take thirty minutes to an hour. Please note that your laser hair removal cost may vary depending on your skin areas.
Precision: Laser hair removal techniques can selectively target dark areas on your skin that contain coarse hairs. Don’t worry; laser hair removal won’t affect the surrounding skin.
Pain: In most cases, clients say they experience minimal discomfort compared to other treatments such as waxing. The laser hair removal process feels like a rubber band snapped on the skin. However, your pain tolerance will define your pain level during the removal. Contact our experts in Chandler Vivid Med Spa locations for laser hair removal costs.
Precautions to Take
Although laser hair removal is popular and relatively quick, it is a medical procedure that carries possible risks.
Those undergoing this treatment should avoid or at least limit their electrolysis, plucking, and waxing for six weeks before the procedure. They should avoid exposure to the sun for six weeks both before and after the procedure.
The reason is that electrolysis, plucking, and waxing destroys the root of the hair. The laser hair removal process needs to eliminate the root of the hair to be successful. Exposure to the sun increases the risk of complications after the surgery and reduces the effectiveness of the treatment.

Expectations and Preparation
Before the procedure, hair that is to be removed will be trimmed, so it’s just above the skin’s surface, then we will adjust the equipment for the individual. Factors included in the adjustment process include the location of the procedure, the thickness and color of the hair, and skin tone.
Both the patient and the technician will use protective eyewear due to the brightness and intensity of the laser beam. We will use a specially formulated cold gel or cooling device on the area to facilitate penetration of the laser beam.
During the procedure, the laser will be applied to the skin in pulses, and the doctor or technician will observe the area to ensure no adverse reactions occur while optimal settings are being used.
Post-procedure Treatment
After the treatment, we can apply moisturizing creams and lotions to reduce swelling and inflammation. Additional cooling options include ice packs or cold water to help alleviate discomfort. Treatments should be scheduled at intervals of four to six weeks until no more hair returns.
For the next couple of days after the procedure, the skin may appear sunburned, and there may be the discomfort of a sunburn. The moisturizing creams and lotions may help alleviate the pain, as can a cold compress. Those who have had laser treatment on their face can wear makeup unless the skin has blistered. Although blistering is rare, it occurs most often in those who have darker complexions. Additional side effects may include redness, swelling, and scarring, but these are usually temporary. Permanent side effects are infrequent.
Costs of Laser Hair Removal Treatments In Phoenix, AZ
Since each patient is unique, the cost of treatment will be unique, but an estimate provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons is approximately $200-400 dollars for each session. Factors that will influence the cost include:
-The area of the country where the procedure is performed.
-Whether a doctor or a technician performs the procedure
-The size of the area being treated
-The time needed for each sessions
-The number of treatments necessary
Before undergoing a laser hair removal procedure, it’s imperative to schedule a consultation with us. Visit a Vivid Med Spa in Chandler or Arizona and we will provide you with a cost estimate that includes any available insurance coverage during the consultation.
At Vivid Skin and Laser, our mission is to provide you with the most advanced aesthetic and laser techniques to help you achieve beautiful and healthy skin.